Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 16 "The final summons without bail"

"That's the sad thing with life. People always leaving just as other folks arrive." Josh Ritter- "Folk Bloodbath"

A friend of ours died unexpectedly. He was 53. Not surprisingly, we discussed one of our frequent topics:Death. Do we fear death or just the pain that may precede it? I expect it is the pain. Mark Twain is reported to have said about death something to the effect that he does not fear death because he was dead for billions of years before he was born and it did not give him one bit of trouble.
Does our soul exist independent of the body? Is our consciousness our soul? Is God the collective consciousness of all humans?

Time for vacation. As Mr. Buffett says in his latest effort "We've got a lot to drink about".

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