Sunday, July 11, 2010

June 25, 2010 NUMB AND DUMB

I recently read Padgett Powell's book "The Interrogative Mood". It caused my friend and I to raise a few questions of our own.

Is the world controlled by a small group of people, say 2500 or 10,000? Does the military industrial complex control our wars and our economy? Is there an economic disincentive to a cancer cure? Is cynicism really cynicism if that is the way things are? Would the oil industry allow an alternative energy source to be marketed if one were available? Does the oil industry buy off independent inventors who have promising alternative energy ideas? When will we run out of oil? Will an alternative energy source not be commercially available until it is cheaper than fossil fuel? Is it ok for Exxon to profit on oil without holding it accountable for the impact of fossil fuels on climate change? Is every person who drives a car also in some way responsible for the adverse impacts of fossil fuels?
Are you optimistic about the future?
Have you read the Brothers Karamazov?
Is Dick Chaney evil? Why can't we catch Osama bin Laden? Why are we in Afghanistan? Iraq? Does Haliburton control politicians and manufacture wars? Is Jimmy Buffett an accomplished songwriter?
Does it matter to 99.999% of the population if a small group of people control the world? Is 99.999% of the population NUMB AND DUMB? Is it ok to be numb and dumb? Are we brainwashed or just indifferent? Is there a difference?
Read any good books lately?

Are you a conspiracy theorist? How would this small group of people make plans for control? Who is the military industrial complex? Do they start wars or do the politicians? Does it matter who starts the wars? Is a "cure for cancer" a misnomer? Is cancer too multi-varied for a "cure"? Wouldn't a pharmaceutical company make millions on a drug that cured cancer?
Is there such thing as an optimistic cynic?
What are the many issues that must be overcome for an alternative energy source? Conversion to usable form, containment, transmission, storage? Will the sun, the genome and the Internet be our salvation as Freeman Dyson suggested in his book?
Will there be a global government one day?
Is there any valid reason to fight wars now?
Are the electrons on this screen free?
What's for supper?

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